Your partner in everything, from Boiler selection, IBR registration to Erection/ Commissioning planning till efficient boiler operation management...
About Us
In almost all industrial processes, mechanisms are required. Purchasing a mechanism is not an easy job. Days of planning and searching are spent in buying a perfect mechanism. Not just limited to this but also, installation, approval and many such things increase the work load of employees working in the company. Helping such companies and reducing the work load of such employees by rendering a variety of services is Boilers Consultant.
We are an Indore based service provider, working as Consultants for process heat boilers steam generation and distribution and rendering services like Steam Requirement Assessment, Boiler selection, boiler Installation Plan, Steam Pipe Line Designing, Boiler Registration, Boiler Inspection and much more. As its in the very name of our company, we are Boilers Consultant Specialist. From choosing the right type of boiler to its registration and after a time its inspection, all these are done by us.
Industries We Serve In
At Boilers Consultant, we are into rendering many services related to major industrial process equipment and mechanisms. Industries where we render our services the most are bulleted below:
The team Behind
The team behind the successful start of the company in the year 2000 consists of Mr. Kamlesh Rathore and MR. Sanjay Sharma. These are the persons behind all the operations, be it Boiler Selection for a company or Heat Exchanger Designing. they handle everything, from maintaining connections with reputed companies who manufacture and need industrial equipment to making policies and plans for the future. The company has been experiencing steady growth because of their knowledge and experience. they keep themselves updated with advancing technologies so that best consultation is provided to companies which can also enhance their products production and quality level.
Fee - we charge rs 2500+GST for discussion in our/your office in indore, for plant visit it will be rs 5000+GST in and around indore. To and fro with lodging/boarding expenses will be extra for distant visits. taxes will be applicable. After first discussion/visit the consultation fee will be conveyed based on requirements.